Meet The Team
Floss Wood - Founder and Head Trainer
I’m Floss Wood, I grew up on Sydney’s North Shore with a passion for animals, in particular dogs and their behaviour.
Since I was four years old, everyone knew that one day, I would work with animals. I graduated High School in Sydney and set out to become an Equine Vet, I moved to Wagga Wagga for 5 years and completed a Bachelor of Equine Science at Charles Sturt University. Charles Sturt has one of the best reputations for Animal and Veterinary Sciences and gave me the opportunity to experience country living.
During my studies, I volunteered at Best Friends Pet Rescue as a foster carer for dogs. It was here I found a passion for dog behaviour. I worked with dogs with issues and psychological problems. I also rescued my own two dogs from nasty, horrible starts to life, and with lots of love and dedication, turned Baxter and Mia’s lives around.
In 2014 I secured an internship at ALERT, a reputable Lion Rescue Centre in Zambia, Africa. At ALERT they use a four-stage lion rehabilitation program which includes nurturing cubs and once old enough, they go on to a breeding program where they are free to roam in a wild-like 286 hectare enclosure. Lions born in this stage have had zero human interaction are then released to the wild.
This was one of the most incredible experiences of my life and led me to extend my trip, where I volunteered at IMIRE, an Elephant and Rhino Rehabilitation park in Zimbabwe. My days at IMIRE were spent on horseback checking on game animals, rescuing wild animals and volunteering in the local community. It was here I met Judy Travers, who raised a Black Rhino, Hyena and Warthog in her family home to keep them safe from poachers! I helped detain a baby, 2-day-old, Wildebeest who had been kicked out of the herd and left for dead by the main Bull. See the video of Tatenda the Rhino in Judy’s house here!
One thing that stood out from these experiences is that although all animals are different, there are many similarities in behaviour throughout the animal kingdom, which once understood, help us to understand the animal language as a whole.
My philosophy is that successful dog training comes from a partnership between dog and owner, with a balance of discipline, love, respect, and affection.
My role as a trainer is to guide you to live harmoniously together with clear boundaries and rules. This allows your dog to thrive and become a quality member of the family.
I have a special place in my heart for rescue, adopted and re-homed dogs who require a certain level of consistency and authority.
I’d love the opportunity to work with your dog and help them become the best member of your family!
““Floss has always loved animals. From early childhood, while other kids were interested in watching children’s programs, cartoons and playing computer games, Floss watched endless programs of Animal Planet, National Geographic Wild and animal documentaries. From age 3-4, she would walk straight up to big dogs and horses even though they towered over her. She has always been at her happiest in the company of animals and, over the last decade, her passion for dogs has helped her constantly grow her understanding of their behaviour. She has a genuine love and passion for her business.””

“I have spent my life being fascinated by dog behaviour”
-Floss Wood